Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stop Burning your Company's Hard Earned Cash!

Recently, Phoneworx’ technicians met with a client, we’ll call him Joe, who had stumbled upon a very disconcerting discovery. Joe had been leasing a business phone system for at least seven years, maybe longer. It included eight phones in the office and seven remote. He never had reason to review the bills; until the leasing company told him he either needed to sign an extended 3-year contract or forfeit his equipment. It was at this point Joe made the following realization:
 “In reviewing my lease documents and phone bills, I realized I was burning cash!”
Over the last seven years, he’d spent close to $100,000 between telephone bills and lease payments. I know, this sounds crazy, but with a monthly phone bill over $600 and a monthly lease payment over $300 the costs added up quickly. 
Floored by this discovery, Joe contacted Phoneworx looking for an alternative. Our technicians discovered that he had not only been leasing very old phone technology (circa. 1990), his phone bills were high due to the necessity of using traditional analog phone lines. We also found additional line item fees on the bill for everything from Caller ID to Call Waiting.
So, what now? Well, first we shared a couple of important facts with Joe:
1.       Phone technology is advancing at a tremendous rate. With any business phone system 5-years-old (or older), you are not taking advantage of new technology - which not only saves money, but also saves time and allows businesses to provide a better customer experience.
2.       Old telephone technology often utilizes traditional analog phone lines, rather than Internet-based lines (VoIP). By switching to a VoIP business phone system, Joe could significantly reduce his monthly telephone bill by removing charges for additional lines and long distance calls.
3.       The phone company charges additional fees for items like Caller ID, Call Waiting, and Voicemail. Conversely, VoIP phone systems have these features built-in, meaning no additional costs.
Overall, by replacing Joe’s current leased phone system with a new, state-of-the-art VoIP business phone system we were able to help put out the flames! In less than two years, he will be able to recover the cost of the new phone system. What’s more? Going forward he will see substantial cost savings. Joe will be able to use this savings to grow his business, rather than kindling.
So... if your system is five-years old or more – don’t you think it’s time to stop fanning the flames??
Until next time,
-         Megan

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Save Money and Grow your Business through Lean Strategies

Lean business strategies are a hot topic. There are entire B2B companies dedicated to auditing utility bills, project management, and supply chain strategies in order to help other businesses save time and money – ultimately leading to happier customers and future growth. You see, running a lean business isn’t all about just-in-time inventory and maximizing employee efficiency – it’s also about periodically evaluating fixed cost items and looking for ways to reduce your operational overhead.
For the last four months, Phoneworx has been performing FREE business phone system checkups for small businesses in Greenville, Spartanburg, and throughout the Upstate. By far the most impactful insight we’ve gained is how often companies are overpaying for telephone services. One client in particular, had a phone bill of over $2000 each month! We’re finding that customers assume these costs are just something they have to accept – like paying taxes or hang-nails. Many also are under the belief that if they’ve signed a 3-year contract then they have no options until the contract is up.
I’m here to tell you, right now, that you are NOT helpless against the telephone company!
New VoIP technology provides small businesses with a cost-effective option to reduce telephone expense over the long term. VoIP phone systems include many additional items that a telephone service provider usually charges extra for like Caller ID, Call Forwarding, or Voicemail. Plus, a quality phone system can last you up to 10 years, if not longer – making it a much more effective investment of your company dollars. Furthermore, even if you have a contract in place, you likely have the ability to cancel or make changes at any time. Yes, you may pay early termination fees, but often times this amount is small compared to the sum of money you’ll save long-term.
So if you are like most other small businesses out there, I know that running a tight ship (i.e. being lean) is very important to your short-term gains and long-term growth. So why would you continue to pay more than you have to? Phoneworx’ Client Relationship Representatives can help you evaluate your current telephone service provider bill and provide alternatives to get your company in ship-shape!
Ask yourself, when’s the last time you took a thorough look through your company’s utility bills?
Until Next Time,
-         Megan

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Even more, you might need a new business phone system if…

So you thought we didn’t have any more ammunition on this one right?  But just like our buddy Jeff Foxworthy, we keep finding interesting tidbits that we just can’t help but share with you! Remember, it’s about taking joy in the little things, so here is yet another top 10 things that indicate you might need a new phone system… (and the trumpet sounds) ba ba ba BAAAAH!!
You might need a new phone system if…
10.   The phone server sits on concrete blocks.
9.       The phone server is wrapped in a hefty bag.
8.       Your phone system gets more vacation than the CEO.
7.       You need a ballpoint pen to change the day and time.
6.       The handset looks like a Chia pet.
5.       A museum curator tries to buy it.
4.       It has two adjustable antennae.
3.       It only has twelve buttons.
2.       The phone system was involved in a federal crime involving large farm animals.
And finally, the number one reason you might need a new phone system…
1.       Your voicemail system has trouble remembering all of the messages.
What’s in your phone closet?
-     Terry

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do You Really Know How to Answer the Phone?

Ok, so here’s another topic where you are thinking: “Duh! Of course I know how to answer the phone… I pick it up and say ‘Hello’.” Simple, right?  Maybe not. Have you ever really thought about how you and your employees answer your company phone?  Does the manner in which you do it change according to the weather, time of day, or day of the week?  If so, you might need a quick phone etiquette ‘refresher’ with your team, or possibly want to look at other options to best greet your customers. You remember how important they are right?  Without them, you don’t have much of a business, or at least won’t for long...
Now that I’ve sparked your interest, here are three key things to do when answering a company phone call:
1.       If you are going to answer, always answer by the 3rd ring. Americans generally have a very short attention span – the quicker you can pick up the phone, the better.
2.       Be consistent. It’s a good idea to develop a standard script or method of answering the phone. This helps to eliminate those “oops” moments when an important client or high-value prospect calls. Make sure your employees know what they need to say; winging it is never a good idea.
3.       A friendly tone is a must. Tone of voice may be the single most important factor in how a caller perceives not only the individual answering the phone, but also your business. Tone can convey an entire slew of business qualities – whether or not they are intended.
So, what can you do to ensure that your company phones are being answered in a timely, friendly, and consistent manner?  Surprisingly, you’ve got options, and don’t we all love those?!
Option 1: Take the three key items above and lay out expectations with your staff. Write out a basic greeting and tape it to your office phones – this way, employees won’t have to remember it off the cuff. Once you’ve set the standard, pay attention to how well your staff is adapting.  If necessary, call your office from an unknown number to test their consistency. When they do well, give positive reinforcement. Continue to coach those individuals who might not be “getting it.”
Option 2: There are outside companies you can actually hire to answer your phones (remotely) for you.  If you are a one or two man company and cannot afford to miss calls or let them go to voicemail, having someone to answer the phones live can be a comforting prospect. It can help to boost your image, legitimize your company, and both gain and retain more customers. Unfortunately, you have now entered the realm of “outsourcing” a portion of your business. There really is no way to guarantee that these companies’ employees will always be in a good mood.  Furthermore, because you aren’t there with them, how confident can you be that they are consistently giving the desired impression?
Option 3: You can do what we’ve done at Phoneworx and utilize an auto-attendant – a built-in feature available on our VoIP business phone system options.  Auto-attendants generally answer a call on the first ring.  They are always in a good mood and can provide a menu of options, ensuring callers are delivered to the phone of the employee best suited to meet their needs. Overall, auto-attendants offer a level of consistency that cannot be matched by any “live” staffers.  What’s more? You can change the greeting and message at any time, giving you exceptional control over a client’s first impression of your business.
Overall, answering your office phone isn’t quite as easy as it may appear.  However, it’s great to know that you have options.  So, do you really know how to answer the phone?
Until next time,
-          Megan